it never even goes to the home screen instead it just crashes :( fix it take a hour out of your life and fix the crashing part i updated the stop crashing thing a minute ago didnt work just fix! There a big bug dont get till they fixit! Why dont u fix it fix it fast! Super speed ummmm im waiting hello i still here i waiting still :( takes to long ..................ummmm........................ I waiting fix the dang thing now i see a blank screen y did the people who made this game cross the get the stuff to fix it budum crash that sounds like the game all it says to u is fix me fix me now i gonna go see if its fixed it better be......................................................................exedera i dont know wat it means my teacher says it a lot that is irralevant he says that all day to me and me only people call me the class pet lol my teacher wishes he could get me to write this much he never will wait i just get to the game the dumb game still dont work it been a day a day it not fixed i reporting a problem o ya p.s get doodle jump it addictive nock nock......whos there acmed rhe dead terrorist acmed the dead terrorist who silence i kill u hahado u watch fresh prince of bellare............sticks and stones may break your bones but a 50 foot fall will kill u o ya i made up the acmed one :)
Matt:)!!! about AOSFriend-Free